In raising awareness of refugee community about Disaster Risk Reduction, training was organized regularly. During August 9-11, 2016, COERR Mae Hong Son and refugee community members, especially students and parents worked together to make the soil erosion control measure in the refugee school area by placing 11 gabion boxes to support the erosion-risk area. In the slope and steep areas around the school buildings at risk, contour was made and Vetier grasses were grown to hold top soil for soil erosion control. Before the contour was made, COERR Agricultural and Environmental staff provided technical advice and knowhow to schoolteachers, parents and students to raise their awareness in environmental protection and enable them to have skills in making contour to prevent areas where their school was situated, for safety of their own children. Parents and neighbors also acquired skills in protecting environment through their contribution in making gabion boxes of rock and placing them along the steep side and corners and in making contour and growing Vetiver grass along the contour to slow down the movement of run-off water and block the passage of soil to prevent further erosion.

Slope near the school buildrings before maintenance

Slope areas, where sacks of soil were placed to prevent erosion at first stage, need further strengthening of soil by placing gabion boxes

Under COERR staff’s technical supervision, Middle School students and teachers are growing Vetiver Grass along the contour they made along the school building to prevent soil erosion along the slope area near their school buildings |